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Starting Horticultural Exporting Kenya 2023 | Veg Farms Kenya

 How to Starting Horticultural Exporting  Kenya


You Want To Start Exporting?

In Kenya, getting a license to export horticulture is a pain in the ass!

And this is why:

To start the procedure, you'll first need a ton of paperwork, some of which need a lot of work to obtain.

Second, you must thoroughly comprehend the demands of the global market

Third, spend a fortune trying to outsource some of the services because it is obvious that you cannot complete the task on your own.

Finally, brace yourself for disappointments along the route and be ready to be led around in circles by the licensing authority.

However, there is good news.

You will eventually obtain your export license, and believe me, it is worthwhile.

Nevertheless, does the procedure really need to be that challenging?

Very likely yes!

Since nothing worthwhile ever comes easily, let's face it. But with the correct knowledge and a love for your company, we can make the process simple.

8 Simple Steps for Starting Horticultural Exporting in Kenya.

In this post, we'll provide you the former and presumptively you'll add to the latter, which is passion.

Do you have what it takes to pursue the global market?

This article might not be very helpful to you if the response is "no" or "I'm not sure." But if you said "yes," then welcome on board.

8 simple Steps to Get a Horticultural Export License in Kenya.


The method has been broken down into eight simple to follow steps. It is also crucial to keep in mind that not everyone will follow each step.

Depending on where you are in the process of starting your export business some people may have just started their businesses, while others have registered them?

Step 1: Register Your Business or Company.

You should register your business or company with the registrar of corporations. Either do it yourself or hire someone else to do it for you.

Make a copy of the certificate of business registration once you've received it, then proceed to the next stage.

Step 2: Request a Tax Compliance Certificate and the Company's KRA PIN.

Make sure to submit an early KRA PIN application for your business. Second, apply for a Tax Compliance Certificate by logging into your KRA iTax website. That is, if you have submitted your tax returns.

Step 3: Present Your Business to International Customers.

Applying for an export license without having international clients is pointless. So, go to importers first and pitch your business.

Your main goal is to sign any kind of contract with a client in a foreign country. Make an effort to obtain an order or a formal contract stating that they will purchase from you.

Once you've completed this phase, you can proceed to the following crucial stage.

Step 4: Speak with potential partners and submit an application for a municipal business permit.

You must have understood by this point that there is a ton of work to be done and that you may not have all the resources. Call a few players who you can team up with now.

For example, you'll require more out-growers (farmers) to supplement your production or provide you with fresh produce.

A logistical firm and a cold storage or Pack house facility are required.

However, you can still go it alone by putting together your own infrastructure provided you have the required assets and funds.

Last but not least, a county government business permit is required. (The closest Sub-County office can provide this.

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Step 5: Complete The Required Application Forms.

Visit the AFFA-HCD website after that, download the Form 1A, Form 1B, PS1 & PS11 Forms, and EQS Form, and complete them (all typed).

Fill out the forms as precisely as you can.

Step 6: Attach the Required Paperwork.

Following completion of the forms in step 7 above, you must attach the required supporting documentation. Everything you went through in step 1 starts to matter at this point.

The required documents include;

1. Certified copy of the company registrar's certificate of business registration.

2. KRA Pin for the company that has been verified.

3. Certified copy of the articles of incorporation, which are now CR12

4. IDs with photocopies for each director (passport and work permit in case of foreign directors).

5. Proof in writing that your international client has approved or ordered the product.

6. Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) evidence

Step 7: Attend the vetting at AFFA-HCD headquarters. Farm and Pack House Inspection Report by HCD staff.

Once step 6 has been completed, it is time to submit yourself, your documents, and them for vetting at the AFFA-HCD Headquarters at JKIA, Nairobi.

You must further visit the AFFA-HCD website and download the vetting checklist in order to properly prepare. Verify that you have complied with every item on the checklist.

You must pay a license fee of Kshs. 5,000 and a Cess deposit of Kshs. 5,000 after passing the screening and meeting the minimum requirements for licensing.

Your license is processed immediately.

Step 8: Request for an ECS account from KEPHIS Kenya.

The next step is to send an email to KEPHIS asking for a phyto-sanitary statement. Just be careful to mention that you're looking for an export license to them.

That puts an end to your struggle and ushers in the thriving export industry.

Conclusion - Horticultural Exporting in Kenya

One of the most lucrative industries today is the export of horticulture products. However, because there are so many bureaucracies involved, a small number of people control it.

But I've dispelled the ridiculous myth that it's difficult to get a horticultural export license.

It's actually the portion that's easiest, though. Don't be deceived by the volume of paperwork needed up front.

Do you currently export? Please share your export license acquisition experience with me. Any further ideas?

Related; 30 Profitable Vegetable to Grow in Kenya

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If you have anything to add from your “horticultural-exporting-in-Kenya” experience, feel free to share it in the comments section below. Our readers would love to hear from you!


What are high value horticultural crops in Kenya?

Fruits, vegetables, flowers, aromatic plants, and herbs are high-value horticulture crops that are essential to the advancement of agriculture and the economy in developing nations.

What is the best exporting product in Kenya?

The main agricultural exports of the nation are cut flowers, vegetables, tea, and coffee. The 10% of Kenya's arable land that receives high rainfall generates 70% of the country's commercial agricultural output.

How much is export license in Kenya?

Verify that you have complied with every item on the checklist. You must pay a license fee of Kshs. 5,000 and a Cess deposit of Kshs. 5,000 after passing the screening and meeting the minimum requirements for licensing.

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