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Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya 2023 | Veg Farms Kenya


How to Grow Yellow Beans in Kenya 

Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya is one of the fastest growing and least practiced cropping activities by most farmers. You can venture into Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya and enjoy what bean farmers enjoy today.

Yellow beans are one of the most popular beans grown for the Githeri and due to high demand in hotels and for good reason. They are affordable, versatile, and high in fiber and antioxidants. They are also an excellent source of protein and healthy fats.

Yellow beans; Vegetable beans are also known as shell beans, wren's egg, bird's egg, speckled cranberry, or October beans. Post and bush types produce a large crop in a small space and mature in 65-70 days. Use the very young, colorful, speckled pods as seed pods, or dry ripe, nutty, red-speckled seeds.

Learn about Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya, including types of beans, how to grow them, yield per acre, production costs and profits, market, nutritional benefits, and more.

Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya has been adopted by many farmers

Types of Yellow Bean Seeds

Bean culture recognizes Yellow beans into two types such as Pole and Bush. Below are the varieties of both types of yellow beans.

#1. Bush Beans - Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

Shrub seeds are usually planted in straight rows and double rows support each other as they grow. Wild bean varieties:

#2. Pole Beans - Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

The beans are planted against a teepee which can be placed in smaller plots. pole

Grains can also be used to make a quick fence around an area. 

Ecological Requirements

Temperature:- Optimal growth temperature range is 20-25°C. The beans were grown at temperatures ranging from 14 to 32°C. Temperature extremes lead to poor flower development and poor pod development.

Altitude:- The ideal altitude range is between 1000 and 2100 m above sea level.

Rainfall: - For rain-fed cultivation, well-distributed medium to high rainfall is required i.e. 900-1200 mm per year.

Soil Type: - well-drained looms for heavy clay soils, high in organic matter and with a soil pH of 6.5-7.5

How to Start Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

Step 1: Obtain Farmland with Quality Soil - Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

The first thing you need to do as an aspiring farmer is to establish your farmland. There are a few things that come into play when selecting farmland to grow your grain. Here are the factors to consider when selecting farmland to grow beans in Kenya;

Step 2 - Prepare the Soil - Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

Bean plant seeds are sown in soil that has been plowed and cleared of weeds and hard soil. And to do this you need to start by clearing the land of bushes and getting rid of talking trees and bushes that can hinder smooth farming in your chosen location.

Step 3: Get Quality Bean Seeds - Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

To avoid poor quality harvests, careful seed selection is essential. Avoid seeds that are wilted, infected, or damaged in any way.

It is generally recommended to obtain bean seeds from reputable agricultural stores that sell quality agricultural supplies. If you need recommendations on the best store to buy agricultural products in Kenya, let us know through the comments section.

The Cost of Planting Beans per Acre


# Required

Unit cost

Total cost

Leasing of 1 acre

1 acre




1 acre



Pre-emergent herbicide (roundup)

2 Liters



Bean seed

30 kilos



Post emergent bean herbicide (Beansclean)

2 liters



Herbicide application






Fuel and transport



Drying and winnowing


Preservative (Actelic powder)




Fertilizer DAP

2 bags



Fertilizer CAN

2 bags



Foliar feeds

1 liter





Grand Total






Gross Profit Analysis - Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

Bags Harvested


Expected price for the 4 bags @11,000 per bag


Total expenses incurred


Gross profit per acre


Return on investment


Kenya Certified Yellow Bean Seeds

Farmers are advised not to buy seeds only from well-known and trusted companies and grocers. Quality seed produces a product of quality and quantity that benefits the farmer.

Best Places to Plant Yellow Beans 

Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya mainly grows in places with warm weather conditions with minimal rainfall. As beans are seasonal, timing is recommended for best yields.

Most parts of Kenya plant yellow beans as long as the time is right. However, the best soils with favorable climatic conditions for best yellow bean results are

• The Rift Valley,

• Western,

• Eastern,

• Central,

• Nyanza.

Planting Yellow Beans in Kenya.

#1. Planting Pole Beans - Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

Yellow vine grows well in warm soil. Beans rely on elevated structures to prolong their growth.

Each bean stalk should have its own space to pivot properly on the posts to maintain an upright position. The more they twist, the greater the chance of removing more beans.

Farmers can plant grain in rows for easier harvesting. Proper spacing improves the farmer's ease and safety of movement when handling grain.

In two months, the farmer's beans should be ready for harvest.

#2. Planting Bush Beans - Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

On the other hand, common bean does not require any support system during the entire growing period. Bush beans grow well when planted 2-3 weeks apart on the same farm.

Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya can benefit a farmer in no time. Yellow beans usually mature in 60 to 70 days. Farmers can invest and get good returns in a period of 2 months.

Crop Care and Management

Weeding and Maintenance - Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

This is the eradication of unwanted plants from the area where your beans were grown. By regularly inspecting for pests and diseases, you can ensure your beans are growing to their full potential.

Beans can be prone to pests, which requires the application of pest control measures.

If you follow these guidelines, your beans should be growing quickly and enthusiastically within weeks, and you may even notice the flowers blooming.

How Long Does Yellow Beans Take To Mature? - Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

Yellow beans are ready to harvest when the field that houses the seeds becomes soft and yellow. Only ripe fruit is picked and the rest is left to ripen. In this way, the farmer can increase his income.

On the other hand, bush beans are prepared to be harvested in groups according to the planting season. The crop performs best when harvested gradually. In this way, the farmer can plan well from storage to marketing again and again.

Yellow Bean Yield per Acre – Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya.

Farmers need one kg of yellow bean seeds to cover one acre of land when planting. Farmers can harvest at least 500 kg to 900 kg of yellow beans per acre if all the conditions necessary for growth are met.

How Much Does 1 Kg Of Yellow Beans Cost In Kenya?

The price of Yellow beans in Kenya per kg is around Ksh. 100 minimum and Ksh. 200.

During shortages, especially during dry seasons, the price can reach Ksh. 250 per kilogram. Prices may also vary depending on the geographical distribution point.

Health Benefits of Yellow Beans - Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

Along with the tasty nature yellow beans possess, they have been qualified to regulate blood insulin in diabetic patients. Yellow beans have saved a number of other healthy nutrients and increase the physical and dietary needs of the body.

The Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya has secured a ready market for consumers over the years due to their nutritious nature. Beans are used in recipes for stews, salads and soups.

Along with the flavorful nature of yellow beans, here are some of the nutrients in yellow beans.

How to Increase Yellow Bean Production per Acre 

• Avoid the mistakes mentioned in the previous post. I.e. be sure to plant early and use the correct number of seeds per acre

• Spray hormones to stimulate the production of more flowers during the flowering phase.

• Spray foliar fertilizers containing boron and potassium. Beans need these elements in large quantities during flowering and pod formation.

• Use the right fertilizers in the right amounts.

• Use plenty of farmyard manure to improve soil fertility and organic matter.


Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya

The yellow bean market remains untapped in this region and many people like these beans because they taste sweet, do not cause bloat and improve soil quality by fixing nitrogen.

Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya is profitable for the farmers who in turn make a reasonable profit. The production of yellow beans per acre in Kenya can be very encouraging for beginning farmers if all the right steps are taken. Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya has grown the country's economy incredibly during times of high demand.

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How many kg is yellow beans per acre in Kenya?

An acre has the ability to produce 7 to 10 bags weighing 90 kilograms. Growing yellow beans has a lot of benefits, one of which is the quick market and the high price per kilo which is Ksh 200 per kg.

How profitable is yellow beans farming in Kenya?

Because they are a source of proteins, yellow beans are quite important to the Kenyan populace. The yellow bean market is overcrowded, and the cost of a 90 kg bag of beans varies from Sh14,000 to Sh24,000.

How many months does yellow beans take to be harvested?

Pole yellow beans will take 55 to 65 days to produce; bush yellow beans will do so in roughly 50 to 55 days. Planting bush yellow beans every two weeks will prevent them from coming in all at once. Pole yellow beans will continue to produce if you maintain harvesting for a month or two since they require their vines to expand.

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  2. This is a great article on Yellow Beans Farming in Kenya. It has a lot of good tips and advice on growing and harvesting the Yellow Beans Beans. I like that it gives a good summary of the different types of Yellow Beans Beans available in Kenya. Keywords to include: Yellow Beans Beans Farming, Kenya, Yellow Beans Beans Product Review: I have always enjoyed farming and growing vegetables but I never thought that I could do it in Kenya. I thought that it is very useful information
