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How to Make Money in Kenya 2023 | Veg Farms Kenya


How to Make Money in Kenya 2023

Why Are You Poor?

Kenya Nation is not the real cause of your poverty; rather, it is your choice to live in poverty. You will escape poverty the day you begin to truly loathe it.

You might claim that you dislike poverty on the surface, but in reality, you may actually enjoy it.

If any of the following describe you, you enjoy your poverty!

1. You blackmail family members who haven't given you assistance because you enjoy and expect to receive presents, money, and aid.

2. You believe that someone else, such as your boss, the government, a family member, your spouse, etc., is in charge of you.  

You continue to invest in appearance and impact. The money you always whine about is in your wardrobe.

3. You would rather watch TV than sell TVs.

4. You have money for everything except for personal growth.

5. You snooze like you're competing in a sleep-off.

6. You're putting on weight and don't give a damn.

7. You don't have a strategy for escaping poverty.

8. You only have spiritual aims; neither a budget nor money objectives exist.

9. You will never give up the meager comfort you currently have in exchange for a better future.

10. Despite your claims that your money is small, you will never save any of it.

11. Despite the fact that they could help you escape poverty, you are unwilling to perform tasks you deem menial.


Thinking Like Slaves!

No Country Can Develop When It's Majority Still Thinks Like Slaves!

How can you tell whether you think like a slave?

The 11 signs of the slave mentality are listed below.

1. You hate those without masters and are constantly searching for one.

2. When you earn a master's degree, you are pleased to exhibit the associated insignia.

3. As long as they give you room to be a slave, you don't mind having someone decide your reward, regulate where you can live, decide when you can have children, or manipulate how you live your life.

4. You devote your entire life to learning and developing in the hopes of impressing a master.

You see a good government as one that fosters an atmosphere in which you can pursue a variety of masters.

5. You consider earning a master's degree.

6. You could even look for masters in other nations.

7. You believe that the best answer to a problem is to acquire a better master.

8. You need a master to use as a justification for your poverty because you don't want to accept responsibility for your life.

9. The master's skin should be as white as possible.

10. You have a slave mindset if you just think about your job, employment, money, employer, etc.

11. There are now two options available to you:

Be outraged at your circumstance, stand up, seek out wisdom, and rewrite your own tale. Be upset at me, curse and attack in the comments section, or unfollow (any weakling can do that).

I'm going to start sharing tried-and-true remedies because I want to help you. It won't be friendly, so be prepared!


Dumping Site For Failures

Farming Is Not A Dumping Site For Failures, Dull and Old People!

No, that's incorrect. Our brightest minds should be engaged in farming. Verify Israel and Denmark.

1. This practice of enrolling the least bright student in an agricultural institution has the potential to seriously harm our nation's economy and food security. It's evil and criminal. Put the smart kid in farming.

2. If you didn't farm while you were young, don't try it when you're retired and elderly. Agriculture is not a garbage can!

3. Farming is not what you are required to do because you are elderly. It's not what you think. When you still have other options, rather than when farming is your only option, you should start farming.

4. I'm not old, I'm not in need, and I have a beautiful wife, but we take pride in the fact that we devote a lot of our time to farming. I don't farm for survival; rather, I farm for profit, keeping an eagle eye on the prize! 

5. My primary responsibility on the farm is strategy, and guess what? Because of farming, my children will never enter the workforce. Yes, they are able to receive any kind of instruction in order to grow their farming enterprise. They are all aware that they may return to farming and expand it globally by studying medical, law, etc.

6. We take pride in the fact that we spend a lot of time farming despite the fact that we are not elderly, in need of assistance, or married to a particularly attractive woman. I don't farm to survive; rather, I farm to make money while keeping my eyes on the prize! 

7. Strategy is my main duty here at the farm, and guess what? My kids won't work a day in their lives because of farming. Yes, they can get any kind of training they need to expand their farming business. They're all aware that they might go back to farming and expand it internationally by learning about medicine, law, etc.


Next Meal Syndrome!

Many Kenyan suffer from a mental disorder called the 'NEXT MEAL SYNDROME'

- A man once informed me that he would not raise cattle because, typically, the enterprise matures after you are too old or deceased to take pleasure in it. Furthermore, he must take action that he will later reap. Unbelievable stupidity. The next meal syndrome makes people crave masters with an insatiable need (bosses). They travel the world in search of masters if they are unable to find any nearby. In fact, they can draw comparisons between a small-business owner and a corporate slave that benefit the slave.

If all you consider during your time on earth is "you," you may sell your future for a piece of chicken in a foreign country while believing that you are living a luxurious life.

It is the next meal syndrome that makes adult men leave their countries and become second-class citizens in the hopes that they will return when some miracle has fixed their native country. Apart from hashtags, they wouldn't vote or engage in meaningful activity. Those who have this disease say absurd things like "you only have one life to live."

I have several lives that I live via various generations that come from me, so I don't just have one life to live. And I don't mind initiating projects that will benefit future generations rather than myself.

The next meal syndrome, which makes people eat their seed in order to avoid having to wait too long to plant it. Anything longer than 30 days causes their brains to swell since they think in 30-day cycles.

It's bad that there are simply too many of these in my country! We will constantly be in a scenario where we have nice clothes, nice houses, nice food, etc. but are going nowhere until the balance tilts differently!

How to be a Millionaire in Kenya.

It Takes A Shorter Time For One To Be A Millionaire In KENYA Than In America.

The first 7 years are often spent working to pay off debt, which is typically composed of college loans, credit card debt, and mortgages. 

It takes on average 17 consistent years of intentionality to become a millionaire in America.

Fortunately, in Kenya, we do not need to conquer these demons in order to begin accumulating riches. I own the car you see me driving. Our homes are ours to own, as are our clothes and the food we eat. In fact, wealth creation can begin right now.

Refuse to be duped by talkers who exaggerate investing; it's not complicated. Spend your money in an area where it can grow over a considerable amount of time. The best method to safeguard money is to grow it.

Stop paying for your funeral insurance, which upon your death will provide you with a bus, a coffin, and some groceries, and start making monthly goat purchases instead. Use that as a means of wealth accumulation and funeral insurance. Control your life insurance and own a bus, not a hire.

Look at the picture below.


I use it more because I value it so much. I received these turkey eggs from my mum. What do you estimate their market value to be? Today? By five years? Ten? My mum didn't aware that she had given me more than a million dollars.

A female turkey costs $25 (much like a goat), and a male turkey costs $40. When properly cared for and managed, a goat can produce up to four offspring twice a year. In a single year, a turkey can produce 80 chicks! You won't learn everything from me.

This is the funeral policy I'm putting together.

Is not having money a choice?

"You can start where you are and change the conclusion, but you can't go back and change the beginning."

Veg Farms Kenya

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