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Avocado Farming In Kenya

Avocado Farming In Kenya.

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So you want to start Farming Avocados in Kenya?

If so, congratulations! There are a few things you need to get started, but the rewards are worth it.

First, you will need to decide what type of avocado you want to grow. There are two main types: the Hass avocado and the Fuerte avocado.

The Hass avocado is a bit more difficult to grow than the Fuerte avocado, but the results are worth it. The Fuerte avocado is slightly sweeter and has a firmer texture, making it a better choice for roasting.

How Profitable Is Avocado Farming In Kenya - Avocado Farming In Kenya

There is no single answer to this question, as the profitability of Farming Avocados in Kenya varies depending on the region and climate in which they are grown. However, in general, Farming Avocados in Kenya can be quite profitable in Kenya as long as the right conditions are met.

One of the major factors that will affect profitability is the price of avocado fruit In Kenya, the price of avocado fruit can be high, compared to other fruits, due to the high demand for international brands. So if Farming Avocados in Kenya can make big profits producing high quality fruits, that's an advantage.

What Is The Demand For Avocado In Kenya - Avocado Farming In Kenya

Global demand for avocado investment continues to grow. In Europe, the United States and Australia, investments in avocados have lost their "exotic" image and become a more mainstream commodity. In the European market, prices were on the rise, not only because of growing demand, but also because of ship delays. In the United States, consumption is increasing.

What is the Cost of Planting Avocado Farming In Kenya - Avocado Farming In Kenya


Cost (Ksh)

Ploughing 15 man days @ Ksh 300

4, 500.00

Soil Analysis

3, 000.00

Seedling 150 @ 150.Soil Analysis

22, 500.00

Planting Holes And Monitoring @ 100

15, 000.00

Farm Yard Manure 15Kg per hole @ Ksh 5.00

11, 250.00

Organic Fertilizer

2, 000.00


58, 250.00



Weeding 15 MD @ Ksh 300

4, 500.00

Control of Pest and Diseases

3, 000.00

Organic Fertilizer

1, 000.00

Pruning Labour 5-MD @ 300.00

1, 500.00


10, 000.00


68, 250.00

Veg Farms Kenya

What Is The Profits Of Avocado Farming In Kenya - Avocado Farming In Kenya

Items/ Year










No of Trees










Total Cost of Establishment and Management










Yield per Tree (Fruits)










Total No. of Trees.










Cost per Fruit (Minimum Ksh)










Gross Revenue (000)










Net Profit










Veg Farms Kenya

How Many Avocados Can You Plant Per Acre - Avocado Farming In Kenya

According to experts, a farmer can plant 100 trees on a one-acre plot.

In this, a tree can produce between 600 and 800 fruits per season, which means that a farmer can harvest between 60,000 and 80,000 fruits per acre in two and a half years.

With each fruit retailing for an average of Sh50, a farmer can earn between three and four million shillings per acre per season.

How Long Does It Take To Grow An Avocado In Kenya - Avocado Farming In Kenya

Every avocado tree must reach a certain age before it can bear fruit. Commercial trees are grafted from mature avocado varieties and produce fruit faster and more reliably than trees grown from seed. A tree growing from an avocado pit will be at least 10 years old, and farmers may have to wait up to 15 years. The ripening period for Hass avocados is considered shorter and can take up to three or four years to bear fruit.

How Many Avocado Does One Tree Produce - Avocado Farming In Kenya

A well-watered unit of trees will yield 1,000 fruits per year. Good pest and disease control, plant density and soil fertility are the major factors affecting avocado productivity. In general, the average yield in Kenya is 87,780 fruits per hectare. There is great potential for the production of hass avocados, especially in the Mount Kenya region and the Rift Valley region due to favorable climatic conditions. This poses a great danger because farmers can produce fruit only to be rejected by export companies.

Is Farming Avocados In Kenya Good Investment - Avocado Farming In Kenya

For a long time in Africa, avocado trees were planted for subsistence purposes. A single tree would produce fruit that could serve several families in rural Africa. As more and more people moved to urban areas, avocados gradually began to be sold in urban markets. Taking advantage of this new demand, the commercial cultivation of avocados began, with the Hass and Fuerte varieties in the lead.

These varieties take 3 to 4 years to start bearing fruit. They continue to be productive for over 40 years. The interesting thing about avocado cultivation is that it is a rapidly growing field in Africa. The international market is accepting avocados from Africa at a rapid pace. This demand is expected to increase in the coming years, making avocado farming one of the best long-term businesses to invest in Africa today.


What is the Best Soil for Avocado - Avocado Farming In Kenya

Although the avocado tree is relatively drought resistant, it needs a well-distributed rainfall of 1000-1200 mm. This is sufficient for crop development with a two month drier season for pre-flowering. Most avocados need irrigation. Your plants need about 25 mm of water per week. It would help if your plants also have an ideal temperature of around 20-24 degrees Celsius for sufficient growth.

Additionally, it needs well-drained soil to prevent root rot. The best soils are alluvial, sandy or loamy soils with a pH between 5 and 7. Kenya's climate is sunny, the soils are dry and contain adequate drainage, a suitable habitat for avocado trees.

What Fertilizer is Best for Avocado Trees - Avocado Farming In Kenya

Avocado trees need a soil pH of 7.0 or less. You will need to test the pH of your soil before planting your tree, using a test kit or meter purchased from a nursery or garden center.

If you find your soil to be alkaline, you can incorporate organic matter, such as sphagnum peat moss, to improve soil drainage and gradually acidify it at the same time, according to the University of California Cooperative Extension. For every 2 1/2 pounds of sphagnum peat moss you add to 1 square meter of soil, the soil's pH will drop by one unit.

Fertilizer For Young Trees - Avocado Farming In Kenya

Once you've planted it, fertilize your avocado tree three times in the first year: once in late winter or early spring, once in mid-summer, and once in the summer. fall. Your tree will go dormant in the winter and you shouldn't fertilize it after late fall.

Each application of nitrogen fertilizer should equal 1 tablespoon of fertilizer spread or dusted into the soil around the tree. Follow each fertilizer application with thorough, thorough watering.

Fertilizer For Mature Trees - Avocado Farming In Kenya

Fertilize mature trees with nitrogen following the same strategies you use to fertilize young trees, but increase the amount of nitrogen each year. The University of Kenyatta Integrated Pest Management Program suggests using 1/4 pound of nitrogen, divided into three applications, during the second year of growth. The third year, the avocado tree will need 1/2 kilo of nitrogen.

The amount of nitrogen you use to fertilize your avocado tree will continue to grow by 1/4 pound each year until you use 1 pound of fertilizer, divided into three applications. This is the maximum amount of fertilizer you should use to fertilize any mature avocado tree.

Manage Iron Deficiency - Avocado Farming In Kenya

If you grow an avocado tree in alkaline soil, even if you have liberally amended the soil with sphagnum peat moss, it may take a year or two for the soil pH to adjust. In the meantime, your avocado tree will need foliar applications of chelated iron supplements. You will know if your avocado tree is suffering from an iron deficiency because the youngest leaves will be green on the veins and yellow on the edges.

Mulching will help soil pH and also provide nutrients. Regularly checking your soil's pH with a soil tester will let you know when or if your soil's pH problem has corrected itself sufficiently.

What Varieties of Avocado are Grown in Kenya - Avocado Farming In Kenya

The main varieties you can grow in Kenya are Hass, Fuerte and Puebla.

Hass Avocado - Avocado Farming In Kenya

The Hass avocado is the most popular variety for the export market. The trees of this particular breed are semi-spreading and the yield from one tree can reach 60 fruits on average. You'll know it's ripe when the rind darkens, and you can serve it when the inside is light green.

Fuerte Avocados - Avocado Farming In Kenya

The strong avocado is pear-shaped with a thin, shiny skin. It is green with a loose, textured surface that makes it easy to peel and eat. It matures in 6-8 months and you can use it to make guacamole. Fuerte is preferred for the domestic market.

Puebla Avocados - Avocado Farming In Kenya

Puebla is dark green. It matures 5-7 months after flowering and is often used as rootstock.

What Diseases Affect Avocado Farming in Kenya - Avocado Farming In Kenya

avocado diseases

Fungal diseases can attack your avocados grown in Kenya. They understand;

Diseases - Avocado Farming In Kenya

Avocado Root Rot - Avocado Farming In Kenya

 If you are planting avocado trees in areas with poorly drained soil and areas prone to flooding. You will see the leaves of infected trees become small, often pale or yellow-green, wither and drop prematurely. The roots blacken, rot and die. Ridomil, active ingredient Metalayl, is a granular chemical formulation recommended for soil application to control this disease.

Anthracnose - Avocado Farming In Kenya

This is a big problem after harvest when the fruit is in the ripening stage. Attacks the fruit forming dry dark brown spots. You can see sunken spots on the fruit and the spots appear as rot, which can penetrate deep into the flesh. It can be controlled with copper-based fungicides.

Scrub - Avocado Farming In Kenya

The fungus easily infects young succulent tissues of leaves, branches and fruit. You will notice that the lesions appear as small, slightly raised, oval to elongated dark spots. The fruits are susceptible only when young to developing to about half their size. To control it, you can apply methods similar to anthracnose.

Leaf and Fruit Spot (Cercospora) - Avocado Farming In Kenya

This disease is a problem for fruit quality. Upon infection, you will see lesions that appear as small, light yellow spots on fruits and leaves, then turn reddish brown and eventually harden and crack. You can also control this disease using methods similar to anthracnose.

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